We are only one week away from the spookiest of holidays. Halloween is a favorite holiday around our studio as it allows us to have fun and get creative with our decor choices. Whether your vibe is spooky or Fall in general we know it can be hard to choose the right decorations. In today’s post we have compiled four shoppable examples with tips for achieving the look you want for both inside and outside your home this season.
Set the Mood
October is the perfect time of year to indulge your senses. Think about what smells, sounds and materials make you feel your best when spending time at home. Try lighting a few candles, curling up with your softest blanket and listening to the crackle of a warm fireplace. Consider switching out your summer pillows for more earthy colors and patterns like rust orange, tonal browns, soft creams and dark greens that emulate the changing season outside.

Design by Amber Interiors
Candle Holders by Shoppe at Amber Interiors
Candlesticks by Shoppe at Amber Interiors
Throw Blanket by Shoppe at Amber Interiors
Stick To Vignettes
Instead of placing one pumpkin or one spiced candle on every table in your house, try grouping a number of different sized items together to create a few fully designed moments throughout the house. By doing this, you create focal points that leave a bigger impression on your guests. Play with scale, texture and proportions to maximize your overall effect.

Design by Studio McGee
Vintage Pot by McGee & CO
Mirror by McGee & CO
Wicker Witch Hats by McGee & CO
Trick or Treat Ready
Let’s get real. Even if your home’s interior is ready for this spirited season, no trick or treater is stopping by unless your home’s got some serious festive curb appeal. Start by identifying the most common path from the curb to your front door. Make sure this path is somewhat lit and free of obstruction. From here, the possibilities are endless! A few common locations for adding your festive touch may be a staircase, a front porch, a long pathway or a front door. Use your full canvas, top to bottom. Start low by lining your path with lanterns, add a dried wreath to your front door to greet guests and hang gauzy ghosts from your trees to round out the themed experience. Mix organic items like pumpkins, burgundy flower bunches and layer a sisal rug with a “welcome” mat to add some life to the design. And of course, don’t forget your candy!

Design by Studio McGee
Faux Branchy Wreath by McGee & CO
Darlana Lantern by McGee & CO
Banton Handwoven Rug by McGee & CO